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Date: Thu, 24 Jun 93 08:13:49 EST
From: iedh1@agt.gmeds.com (Daniel J. Hofferth (317) 230-4791 AGT/8896)
Subject: [*] usenet-acronyms-11.txt
Dear Moderators,
No need to post this to the digest - it's already shown up there, in full,
by mistake. What I really need is to have this archived as:
(replaces) /info-mac/comm/info/usenet-acronyms.txt
Dan Hofferth
-------------[ Cut Here ]---------------------------------------------------
In IMv11-98 "ABRODY @ CLARKU" writes:
> Dear Netters,
> I have yet to receive replies #$%#$^ on abbreviations on the net!
> Sounds like an FAQ, yet I haven't the foggiest notion what BTW abbreviates.
> FAQ is simple enough, yet when BTW shows up I am at a lost. Could someone
> kindly please send me a list of the most popular abbreviations on the net,
> as I don't always have access to Internet's FAQ list, nore do I necessarily
> have the time do a thorough reading of a 25K text file. Thank you.
BTW = "By The Way"
It _is_ a common abbreviation on Internet... and I've grown so accustomed to
seeing it that I (like many others) use it without considering how opaque it
must seem to some.
BTW, FWIW, I once saw an amusing (IMHO) summary of common Email abbreviations
somewhere on Internet. Apparently, it has been long forgotten or nobody
RTFM. IAE, I kept thinking that I'd repost it again, RSN, to cut down on
these FAQ's re: TLAs. Guess I could summarize now. If, after reading it,
you find that you are SITD, remember that TANSTAAFL.
(Boy, that was fun. ;)
Popular (and clean) Internet acronyms:
BTW By the way
FAQ Frequently asked question
FW Freeware
FWIW For what it's worth
FYI For your information
IAE In any event
IMHO In my humble opinion (also IMO)
JASE Just another system error
MFZ Microsoft free zone
OTOH On the other hand
PD Public Domain
RSN Real soon now
SITD Still in the dark
SW Shareware
TANSTAAFL There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TIA Thanks in advance (also aTdHvAaNnKcSe)
TLA Three letter acronym (also FLA)
TTFN Ta ta for now
Excuse the language below... these _are_ also circulating:
BTSOOM Beats the S*** out of me
FUBAR F***ed up beyond all recognition
PITA Pain in the a**
RTFM Read the f***ing manual (or message)
SNAFU Situation normal, all f***ed up.
SOL S*** outta luck
I've tried to restrict this list to those acronyms I see regularly - the
ones that seem to have "stuck"... there are a great many others that seem
to come and go. I have intentionally ignored acronyms that are primarily
hardware jargon (e.g. RAM, CD-ROM, etc.) - there are far too many to list.
If I've missed some that you think should have been included, drop me a
note. I'll add them to the list and periodically resubmit to Info-Mac.
Dan Hofferth.